Case study
Integrated Services for Offshore Maintenance Project

PTTEP is an oil and gas exploration and production company based in Thailand with operations in eleven countries worldwide.
Arthit and GBS Average production is 300 million standard ft³/day (mmscfd) of natural gas and 14,000 barrels a day of condensate. Arthit appears as one of the most prolific gas and condensate field in Thailand with 1.9 trillion cubic feet (tcf) proven reserves of gas.
Arthit and GBS gas & condensate fields stand in shallow water 230km offshore Thailand's Songkhla province.
Our Scope
Provision of multi-discipline superintendents, engineers and supervisors covering the following activities:
- Arthit Offshore maintenance campaigns
- Bongkot South Offshore maintenance campaigns
- Offshore lifting operations and inspection services
- Repairs and maintenance services at PSB workshop
- General maintenance services
Activities covered
Project planning & support - HSE - Operations - Production - Maintenance (inc. Mechanical, E&I) - Contract management
Team Deployed
46 Nationals