Enhancing Maritime Security in Madagascar: Installation of a VMAS® System at Cap Miné Semaphore

Enhancing Maritime Security in Madagascar: Installation of a VMAS® System at Cap Miné Semaphore

As part of a project aimed at improving maritime safety and traffic management in the Diego-Suarez region of Madagascar, SeaOwl teams have recently completed the installation and commissioning of a VMAS® (Vessel Monitoring and Alert System) at the Cap Miné semaphore. This strategic initiative, carried out in collaboration with our partner Themys and funded by…

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ADNOC L&S and SeaOwl sign Agreement to Design Remotely Operated Marine Supply Vessels

ADNOC L&S and SeaOwl Sign Agreement to Design Remotely Operated Marine Supply Vessels Vessel design to enable up to 30% reduction in CO2 emissions, in line with ADNOC L&S commitment to decarbonize its operations Innovative unmanned vessels to be equipped with industry-leading automation and self-navigation technology to enhance offshore logistics offering Agreement was signed at…

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SeaVAS à Madagascar

Premiere installation de semaphore mobile SeaVAS à Madagascar   Le 04 Juillet 2022 s’est déroulée à Fort Dauphin, Madagascar, une cérémonie officielle de réception du sémaphore mobile : le SeaVAS – Seaowl Versatile All-in-one Semaphore. Les clés du sémaphore ont été transmises au ministre de la Défense Nationale, le Général Richard Rakotonirina, par Monsieur l’Ambassadeur de…

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Seaowl porte assistance à un yacht en avarie en haute mer. Notre Pionnier a porté assistance, le 18 avril dernier, au yacht Timeless à environ 140 nautiques de Toulon. External links : https://www.premar-mediterranee.gouv.fr/communiques-presse/mediterranee-assistance-a-un-yacht-en-avarie-en-haute-mer

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Seaowl Group is pleased and proud to announce its acquisition by Walter Butler’s investment company.   Butler Industries invests in various sectors, in French or foreign companies undertaking real industrial projects.” see https://butlerindustries.com/ The investment company now owns 100% of the Seaowl Group’s capital. Our president Xavier Génin declared himself very pleased with this operation:…

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Seaowl est heureux et fier de vous annoncer son rachat par la société d’investissement de Walter Butler.   Butler Industries investis dans de multiples secteurs d’activité, dans des sociétés françaises ou étrangères portant de véritables projets industriels.” voir https://butlerindustries.com/ La société d’investissement détient désormais 100% du capital du Groupe Seaowl. Notre président Xavier Génin se dit très…

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A new vessel within Seaowl’s fleet

FLASH NEWS   Late 2021, SeaOwl has welcomed into its fleet the first InSPEAR vessel (Innovative Nautical Safety & Protection by Enhanced Autonomous Reconnaissance). InSPEAR project is designed to undergo missions of surveillance and protection in offshore gas fields, and possibly harbors. InSPEAR is a 10-meter-long and 3-meter-wide vessel that can reach 40 knots. Most importantly,…

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AMSSI – Agora for Maritime and Submarine Sustainable Innovations Following several months of fruitful discussions and dialogue, several French players have announced the creation of the AMSSI (Agora for Maritime & Submarine Sustainable Innovations): Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) – world leader in the procurement of submarine telecommunication cable systems iXblue – global high-tech company recognized…

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Suez Canal Blockage

April 1st, 2021 Suez Canal Blockage   The Suez Canal has been blocked for merely a week from Tuesday 23rd March 2021 to Monday 29th. During these seven days, the whole world have been consistently monitoring the development of the situation. Investigation Once the management of the crisis have been concluded, consistent investigations are expected…

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OPEC Meeting

January 11, 2021 13th OPEC Meeting   The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) had gathered the 4th and 5th January 2021 with the 10 additional oil exporting countries, called OPEC+ members. The mission of OPEC is to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its Member Countries and ensure the stabilization of oil…

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